Jan 30, 2009

Kahvila Välipala

Today I saw some interesting mugs...

There is a brand called Moi Mug here in Japan!!

Inside a cup there is a text "Kahvila, Välipala" ("cafe snack") and outside you may find a picture and text.

There are 6 different kind:
mehiläinen (bee)
hevonen (horse)
lintu (bird)
leppäkerttu (ladybird)
lammas (sheep)
norsu (elephant)

I think it is interesting how much Finnish is used here. It would be interesting to know the story behind this Moi Mug or Ehkä Söpö store (mentioned in the Shopping section)

PS. I just noticed that the brand is Korean...I think...


  1. Writing in Finish? How random. When I was there I found I got good use out of my French because there were so many French cafes and restaurants.

  2. If it's Korean, maybe Kim can help ya ;)
